What is conjure-up?

Conjure-up lets you summon up a big-software stack as a “spell” - a model
of the
stack, combined with extra know-how to get you from an installed stack to a
fully usable one. Start using your big software instead of learning how to
deploy it.

How can you get it?

$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:conjure-up/next
$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:juju/devel
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install conjure-up

Yakkety and above:
$ sudo apt install conjure-up

You'll want to make sure you're running at least Juju 2.0 RC1 (but
recommend you use RC3). You can check by running:

$ juju version

* Note: Conjure-up/Juju is also going through the SRU process to be made
available in Xenial’s archive without the use of the PPA.

What can you do with it?

Saw the latest announcement of Canonical Kubernetes? Let conjure-up guide
you through deploying and using your new Kubernetes cluster.

$ conjure-up canonical-kubernetes

Need a single machine deployment of OpenStack with pure LXD containers for

$ conjure-up openstack-novalxd

You can see a list of all the spells available to you by running:

$ conjure-up

More information:

You can learn more about conjure-up by visiting http://conjure-up.io/.
Our sourcecode is https://github.com/conjure-up/conjure-up.
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