>From what I can tell, there are a number of places where these manual
machines differ from our "standard" install. I think the charms can be
written defensively around this, but its why you're running into more
issues than you normally would.

   1. 'noexec' for /tmp. I've heard of this, but as layer-ruby wants to
   build something, where *should* it build something. Maybe we could do
   something in /var, but it does seem like the intermediate files are all
   temporary (thus why someone picked /tmp). I don't have any details on
   2. python-yaml not installed. Most of the places where we run juju uses
   'cloud-init' in order to set up the machine for the first time, and I'm
   pretty sure cloud-init has a dependency on python-yaml (cause its how some
   of the cloud-init config is written). Again, charms can just include
   python-yaml as a dependency, I'm guessing they just didn't notice because
   all the other places they tested it was already there.


On Sun, Nov 27, 2016 at 4:45 AM, Merlijn Sebrechts <
merlijn.sebrec...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I feel you, James
> We've been battling with weird issues / compatibility problems with the
> manual provider on private infra for the past year. Just finding out where
> the problem is requires diving deep into the internals of Juju and the
> Charms. In the end, we patched our own servers heavily and had to patch
> ~30% of the Charms we tried. This slowed us down so much that we just gave
> up and moved to MAAS. We're having a lot less problems now..
> 2016-11-27 0:03 GMT+01:00 James Beedy <jamesbe...@gmail.com>:
>> Was a bit flustered earlier when I sent off this email, I've looked a bit
>> closer at each of the individual problems, thought I would report back with
>> my findings.
>> 1. Job for systemd-sysctl.service failed because the control process
>> exited
>>     - This is an error I'm seeing when installing juju (not sure if this
>> is adding to any other issues or not), didn't look into it much, but filed
>> a bug here -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1645025
>> 2. ERROR juju.state database.go:231 using unknown collection
>> "remoteApplications"
>>     - This seems to only exist in 2.0.1, installed from juju/stable ppa,
>> when I reverted back to 2.0.0, this went away.
>> Charm/Layer Issues
>> 3. Problem with Ruby: ["env: './configure': Permission denied"]
>>     - Both of my charms were utilizing layer-ruby. When deployed to lxd,
>> and EC2, I don't seem to get this error, but deploying on this
>> private/dedicated infra doesn't like python running `./configure` I feel
>> (could also be permissions on /tmp, but I tried moving the upacking and
>> configuring to another dir, and still got this error).
>>     - Filed bug here -> https://github.com/battlemi
>> dget/juju-layer-ruby/issues/12
>>     - Removing layer-ruby was my fix here, this allowed my charms to
>> deploy w/o error.
>> 4.  Elasticsearch
>>     - Seems the es charm can't find the yaml module (possibly a python3.5
>> thing)???
>>     - Filed bug here -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/
>> charms/+source/elasticsearch/+bug/1645043
>>     - My workaround here, just to get the app deployed, was to deploy
>> elasticsearch to a lxd container on one of my hosts. Of course this isn't
>> an answer for anything more then POC, but worked to allow me to
>> deploy/troubleshoot the rest of my bundle.
>> Aside from the remaining elasticsearch issue, I was able to get my stack
>> deployed -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23540146/
>> My earlier baffled and confused cry for help seems now just revolve
>> around getting es to deploy.
>> My apologies for reaching out in such a way earlier before diving into
>> what was going on, hopefully we can work out whats going on with my infra
>> <-> ES.
>> Thanks
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