On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 11:57 AM Merlijn Sebrechts <
merlijn.sebrec...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Jeff
> I'd like to use lets encrypt certs with the GUI. I'm not sure how to do
> that in a way that I don't break anything. I remember the Charm had config
> options for ssl certs.
> Another advantage of the charm is that it provided the HTTP relationship
> so you can connect it to a reverseproxy etc..
I'm copying this from another thread. There's a form of lets encyrpt in
Juju currently that was added to Juju 2.0. I've not tried this out yet, but
will pass this info along and tomorrow I'll work on getting some notes/docs
together and give it a go.


---- copied info below

When bootstrapping, you can set the controller config attribute
"autocert-dns-name" to a DNS name that points to your controller. If you
then use that DNS name instead of the controller's IP, or some other DNS
name, the controller will use autocert-generated certificates. By default
we use Let's Encrypt, but you can override the provider with additional
controller config.

Once you've bootstrapped like that, clients can use the autocert-dns-name
value as the controller address, and they do not need to specify a CA
certificate for verification.
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