We’re proud to announce support for Kubernetes 1.5.2 in the Canonical
Distribution of Kubernetes. This is a pure upstream distribution of
Kubernetes, designed to be easily deployable to public clouds, on-premise
(ie vsphere, openstack), bare metal, and developer laptops. Kubernetes
1.5.2 is a patch release comprised of mostly bugfixes, and we encourage you
to check out the release notes

Getting Started:

Here’s the simplest way to get a Kubernetes 1.5.2 cluster up and running on
an Ubuntu 16.04 system:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:juju/stable
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:conjure-up/next
sudo apt update
sudo apt install conjure-up
conjure-up kubernetes

During the installation conjure-up will ask you what cloud you want to
deploy on and prompt you for the proper credentials. If you’re deploying to
local containers (LXD) see these instructions
<https://kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/ubuntu/local/> for
localhost-specific considerations.

For production grade deployments and cluster lifecycle management it is
recommended to read the full Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes
documentation <https://kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/ubuntu/>.

Home page: https://jujucharms.com/canonical-kubernetes/

Source code: https://github.com/juju-solutions/bundle-canonical-kubernetes

How to upgrade

With your kubernetes model selected, you can deploy the bundle to upgrade
your cluster if on the 1.5.x series of kubernetes. At this time releases
before 1.5.x have not been tested. Depending on which bundle you have
previously deployed, run:

juju deploy canonical-kubernetes


juju deploy kubernetes-core

If you have made tweaks to your deployment bundle, such as deploying
additional worker nodes as a different label, you will need to manually
upgrade the components. The following command list assumes you have made no
tweaks, but can be modified to work for your deployment.

juju upgrade-charm kubernetes-master

juju upgrade-charm kubernetes-worker

juju upgrade-charm etcd

juju upgrade-charm flannel

juju upgrade-charm easyrsa

juju upgrade-charm kubeapi-load-balancer

This will upgrade the charm code, and the resources to kubernetes 1.5.2
release of the Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes.
New features:


   Full support for Kubernetes v1.5.2.

General Fixes


   It wasn’t very transparent to users that they should be using conjure-up
   when locally developing, conjure-up is now the defacto default mechanism
   for deploying CDK.

   Resolved permissions on ~/.kube on kubernetes-worker units

   Tuned the verbosity of the AddonTacticManager class during charm layer
   build process

   Added NO_PROXY configuration to prevent routing all requests through
   configured proxy [by @axinojolais <https://github.com/axinojolais>]

   Resolved an error by flannel sometimes encountered during
   cni-relation-changed [by @spikebike <https://github.com/spikebike>]

   Resolved sporadic timeout issues between worker and apiserver due to nginx
   connection buffering [by @axinojolais <https://github.com/axinojolais>]

   #101 <https://github.com/juju-solutions/kubernetes/pull/101> Work-around
   for offline installs attempting to contact pypi to install docker-compose

   #95 <https://github.com/juju-solutions/kubernetes/pull/95>Tuned
   verbosity of copy operations in the debug script for debugging the debug

Etcd layer-specific changes


   #72 <https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-etcd/issues/72> #70
   <https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-etcd/issues/70> Resolved a
   certificate-relation error where etcdctl would attempt to contact the
   cluster master before services were ready [by @javacruft

Unfiled/un-scheduled fixes:


   Removal of assembled bundles from the repository. See bundle
   author/contributors notice below

Additional Feature(s):


   We’ve open sourced our release management process scripts we’re using in
   a juju deployed jenkins model. These scripts contain the logic we’ve been
   running by hand, and give users a clear view into how we build, package,
   test, and release the CDK. You can see these scripts in the
   <https://github.com/juju-solutions/kubernetes-jenkins> repository. This
   is early work, and will continue to be iterated on / documented as we push
   towards the  Kubernetes 1.6 release.

Notice to bundle authors and contributors:

The fix for #190
is a larger change that has landed in the bundle-canonical-kubernetes
<https://github.com/juju-solutions/bundle-canonical-kubernetes> repository.
Instead of maintaining several copies across several repositories of a
single use-case bundle; we are now assembling the CDK based bundles as
fragments (un-official nomenclature).

This affords us the freedom to rapidly iterate on a CDK based bundle and
include partner technologies, such as different SDN vendors, Storage
backend components, and other integration points. Keeping our CDK bundle
succinct, and allowing the more complex solutions to be assembled easily,
reliably, and repeatedly. This does change the contribution guidelines for
end users.

Any changes to the core bundle should be placed in its respective fragment
under the fragments
directory. Once this has been placed/merged, the primary published bundles
can be assembled by running ‘./bundle’ in the root of the repository. This
process has been outlined in the repository README.md

We look forward to any feedback on how opaque/transparent this process is,
and if it has any useful applications outside of our own release management
process. The ./bundle python script is still very much geared towards our
own release process, and how to assemble bundles targeted for the CDK.
However we’re open to generalizing them and encourage
feedback/contributions to make this more useful to more people.

How to contact us:

We're normally found in these Slack channels and attend these sig meetings





Operators are an important part of Kubernetes, we encourage you to
participate with other members of the Kubernetes community!

We also monitor the Kubernetes mailing lists and other community channels
<http://kubernetes.io/community/>, feel free to reach out to us. As always,
PRs, recommendations, and bug reports are welcome:
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