On 13/06/17 04:25, Mario Splivalo wrote:
> Hi, ladies and lads!
> I am verifying the juju upgrade procedure and I ran into some
> ‘misunderstandings’ which I’m hoping could be clarified out here.
> I am running juju 2.0.0 and the plan is to upgrade it to the latest 2.1
> version, which is currently 2.1.3.
> This is the procedure I followed:
> I innstalled 2.0.2 from xenial-updates  and bootstrapped a 2.0.0 controller:
> $ juju bootstrap stsstack RegionOne --agent-version=2.0.0
> After that I deployed some services (e.g. juju deploy mongodb -n3), and
> after all of that got settled down I started the upgrade:

Why bootstrap a 2.0.0 agent?

> $ juju upgrade-juju -m controller
> I expected to upgraded to latest 2.0 version, which is 2.0.4. Instead, I
> got this:
> ubuntu@juju-2-0:~$ juju upgrade-juju -m controller
> no prepackaged tools available, using local agent binary
> started upgrade to

This is a bug, and one that I also ran into two weeks ago.

> After that I upgraded my local client to the latest available versions
> from ppa:juju/stable:
> $ juju --version      
> 2.1.3-xenial-amd64
> I then run ‘juju upgrade-juju’, and I again got the ‘no prepackaged
> toools’ message:
> ubuntu@juju-2-0:~$ juju upgrade-juju  -m controller
> no prepackaged tools available, using local agent binary
> started upgrade to
> So, my questions are:
> - what does ‘no prepackaged tools available’ means?

These are the published Juju agents which are found on
streams.canonical.com. Each Juju release has the agents as a 'tools'
binary available there.

The 'no prepackaged tools available' error is normally obtained when
your Juju CLI version isn't found there. However since you are using a
released Juju version, it should have found it.

> - why I got upgraded to (I can’t find in simplestreams;
> I’m assuming that I haven’t got upgraded to 2.0.4 because my client
> version is 2.0.2, but where did this came from?

It is the local jujud that was shipped with the juju CLI, but we add a
build number to the end of the standard version to indicate that it is
not from the "official" source.

> - same for 2.3.1 - why I got upgraded to

2.1.3 -> was the same underlying bug.

> - when I do ‘upgrade-juju -m controller’ again, I get upgraded to
>,,, and so on. The jujud’s in /var/lib/juju/tools
> are all the same. Is this a juju 2.0 bug?


> - Also, when I download 2.1.3 agent from simplestreams
> (http://streams.canonical.com/juju/tools/agent/2.1.3/juju-2.1.3-ubuntu-amd64.tgz),
> the jujud binaries are not the same: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24841752/

The version of jujud that is shipped with the snap or deb are built
using a slightly different process than the one that builds the agent
put in simplestreams.


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