
Thank you for the detailed explanations and examples.

After reading Tilman's and Cory's replies, I think the confusion is at continuous evaluation (thus execution) of a True state. So a pair of @when and @when_not will result in one of them being executed over and over despite adding a remove_state("myself") in the @when block.

I'm still trying to grasp the idea of this "state" instead of treating it as an event handler.

So for states, I usually draw a state machine diagram. In this case, it feels rather unnatural that all True states will inherently loop to themselves.

But I don't what alternative is in charm's context.

On 07/27/2017 04:13 AM, Alex Kavanagh wrote:

On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 2:37 AM, fengxia < <>> wrote:

    Hi Juju,

    Once I set a state, set_state("here"), I want to make sure its
    @when will only be executed ONCE (when "here" from False->True).

    So my thought is to remove_state("here") in its @when("here") code
    block. If I don't, will this @when be called multiple times if I
    don't reset this state? What's the good practice here?

You have a couple of options here depending on the nature of the handler.

 1. If, in the lifetime of the unit's existence, the handler only has
    to execute ONCE.  (and I mean EVER), then there is a @only_once
    decorator that can be used.  It can be used in combination with
    other decorators to set up a condition, but it guarantees that the
    handler will only be called once.  However, what you probably want
    is ...
 2. Use a @when_not('flag') and then set it the 'flag' in the body of
    the handler.

The first would look something like:

def do_something_only_once_when_some_condition_flag_is_set_for_the_first_time():
     ... do something once ...

The second treats a flag as a 'have I done this yet' condition, and allows you to reset the flag at some other point in the charm's life cycle so that you can do it again. 'installed' is a good example of this:

def do_install_of_something():
    ... do the installation ...
# when it is fully successful, set the installed-something flag. Don't set it early as # if it errors, a future handler invocation may be able to continue the installation.

@when(some other conditions indicating do an upgrade)
def do_upgrade():
     ... set upgrade sources, or other pre upgrade actions

In this situation, hopefully you can see that we can re-use 'do_install_of_something()' when we do upgrades.

I think it's useful to think about states (flags) as being a 'memory' that something has happened, and use them to either gate on not doing things again, or to trigger the next action is a graph of actions that need to take place to get the charm's payload to the desired operational state. I tend to name them, and use them, to indicate when something has happened, rather than when it hasn't, and so tend to use @when_not('some-flag') on the handler that eventually sets that flag.

Hope that this helps.

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