You haven’t installed Cairo yet it seems. Or at least Julia isn’t finding Cairo 
installed where it expects to find it.

 — John

On Dec 21, 2013, at 2:26 AM, Laksh Gupta <> wrote:

> Hi
> I am running 64 bit Julia Studio 0.4.3 on Windows 8. I installed Gadfly and 
> Cairo but is still facing problems while trying to plot anything:
> julia> plot plot not defined
>  julia> Gadfly.plot
>  plot (generic function with 6 methods)
>  julia> Gadfly.plot(x=collect(1:100), y=sort(rand(100)))
>  Plot(...)
> julia> p = Gadfly.plot(x=collect(1:100), y=sort(rand(100)))
> Plot(...)
> julia> draw(PNG("plot.png", 6.5inch, 3inch), p)
> Cairo must be installed to use the PNG backend.
> julia> using Cairo
> julia> draw(PNG("plot.png", 6.5inch, 3inch), p)
> Cairo must be installed to use the PNG backend.
> Any idea what am I missing here?
> Thanks,
> lg

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