Haven’t had time to read through this in depth, but is your concern that 
abstract types can’t contain fields? That is likely to get fixed at some point 
in the future.

 — John

On Dec 28, 2013, at 9:31 AM, andrew cooke <and...@acooke.org> wrote:

> thanks.  i've done almost exactly the same thing with the "Nothing" type at 
> https://github.com/andrewcooke/BlockCipherSelfStudy.jl/blob/master/src/GA.jl
> i don't think my problem is specific to GA.  the problem is how to add extra 
> state to an api.
> in traditional OO you can use inheritance to create a new class with the 
> extra state.
> in julia you cannot.  nor can you add it inside closures because you can't 
> (as far as i can tell) extend methods in another module with a closure.
> so instead you have to spot ahead of time that a user might want to add extra 
> state and provide an additional parameterized field (the "context" in my code 
> linked to above) where the user can store arbitrary information.
> which seems ugly and prone to errors (what if you miss somewhere)?
> so i still hope there's a better solution.
> cheers, andrew
> On Saturday, 28 December 2013 04:50:11 UTC-3, Toivo Henningsson wrote:
> I don't have enough background in genetic algorithms to understand what you 
> are trying to accomplish, but I think that to answer the question of how to 
> write code so that it can be generally extended by users, the first thing to 
> ask is what the interface to the code that you want to write really is (in 
> abstract terms). Then, one can start to model it with types, generic 
> functions, inheritance, etc.
> Also, to create a generic function without actually providing any 
> implementations, I've lately been using things like
> f(::None) = nothing
> which seems to work fine.

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