I think a new Python interpreter session might not be the closest comparison 
for Julia since Python loads almost nothing by default, whereas Julia imports a 
ton of functionality by default. R is much more like Julia in this regard. 
Consistent with that hypothesis, on my machine, R uses 38 MB and Julia uses 41 
MB. I suspect that Julia without most of its functionality could take up much 
less memory.

 — John

On Jan 14, 2014, at 6:56 PM, Andy M <0andrewmart...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you all very much for your answers, they have been extremely helpful!
> In summary, it seems like there is a fairly clear answer to all but one 
> question, which is the question about Julia's memory usage. I am still 
> puzzled by what it is actually being used for. For comparison, if I start a 
> python interpreter it uses less than 5MB of RAM. I expected Julia's code 
> generation to consume more memory than an interpreter, but I did not expect 
> it to be anywhere near that much.
> I suppose the issue with Tuple/immutable type performance also isn't 
> completely clear.
> Andy, would you be willing to collect the responses you found helpful and add 
> them to the FAQ? 
> https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/master/doc/manual/faq.rst 
> You can just click "edit" on that page, no need to explicitly deal with git.
> I've been keeping track of many questions that I have found answers to (not 
> just those answered here), and I've been writing it all up in a desktop wiki. 
> I'm not sure what would be best to add to the FAQ at this point, but I am 
> hoping to work out a good format for sharing my experiences soon. Either by 
> contributing to the FAQ, by writing a blog post, or both.

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