This is quite close to being possible, but we’re missing a few things.

Daniel Jones recently added an append! method to DataArrays, which would let 
you do this column-by-column.

To help you out, we need to add an append! method to DataFrames as well. I’ve 
wanted that badly myself lately.

I will try to get to this today, but am already pretty overwhelmed with work 
for the day.

 — John

On Jan 26, 2014, at 11:02 AM, Joosep Pata <> wrote:

> Is there a way to avoid copying when doing vcat(df1::DataFrame, 
> df2::DataFrame, …)? I’m trying to open hundreds of files with DataFrames, 
> merge all of them and save a single ~150M row x 100 col DataFrame using HDF5 
> and JLD (to be opened later using mmap), and it seems to work marvelously, 
> apart from the vcat.
> Does a no-copy option exist? I’m aware of DataStreams as a concept, but as I 
> understand, they’re not fully fleshed out yet.

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