You have an extra ')' near the end of these two lines:

HIm = V(width,x,V0,a)*Im[i] -0.5*(Im[i+1]) -2.0*Im[i] + Im[i-1])/dx2;

HR =  V(width,x,V0,a)*R[i] -0.5*(R[i+1]) -2.0*R[i] + R[i-1])/dx2;

Tip: those semicolons are not necessary :)

On Friday, 31 January 2014 15:25:41 UTC-6, Comer Duncan wrote:
> I am working on a little code to solve the time dependent Schrodinger 
> equation in julia and currently am getting a loading error on one of the 
> functions. Here is the code:
> include("setparams.jl")
> include("V.jl")
> include("InitialRIm.jl")
> include("expevolve.jl")
> Nspace, R, Im, x0, width, k0, xmax, xmin, V0, a, dx, dx2, n, dt = 
> setparams()
>  R, Im = initialRIm(width,n,k0,dt,dx,xmin)
>  ProbDen = zeros(Nspace)
>  ProbDen = R.*R + Im.*Im
>  display(plot(ProbDen))
> #Imold = Im;
> t=0.0
> t, R , m= evolve!(R,Im,t,V0,width,a,dx,dx2,dt,xmin,n)
>  println("Done")
> and here is what happens when I first do a using Winston and then 
> require("driveSch.jl"), the container of the above code:
> *julia> **using Winston*
> *julia> **require("driveSch.jl")*
> *ERROR: syntax: extra token ")" after end of expression*
> * in reload_path at loading.jl:146*
> * in _require at loading.jl:59*
> * in require at loading.jl:43*
> *while loading /Users/comerduncan/juliaexamples/TDSch/expevolve.jl, in 
> expression starting on line 1*
> *while loading /Users/comerduncan/juliaexamples/TDSch/driveSch.jl, in 
> expression starting on line 5*
> So, what's the problem with the load?  Here is the file which require does 
> not like:
> function evolve!(R,Im,t,V0,width,a,dx,dx2,dt,xmin,n)
> # require("V.jl")
> # #Imold = Im;
> # R[1] = 0.0 # wall at lower edge
> for i = 2:n-1
> x = xmin+ (i-1)*dx;
> HIm = V(width,x,V0,a)*Im[i] -0.5*(Im[i+1]) -2.0*Im[i] + Im[i-1])/dx2;
> R[i] += HIm*dt;
> end
> # R[n] = 0.0 # wall at upper edge
> # Im[1] = 0.0
> for 2=1:n-1
> x = xmin + (i-1)*dx;
> HR =  V(width,x,V0,a)*R[i] -0.5*(R[i+1]) -2.0*R[i] + R[i-1])/dx2;
> Im[i] -=  HR*dt;
> end
> t += dt;
> return t,  R, Im
> end
> Thanks very much for any help. I am a relative novice at julia!
> Comer

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