Or you can search in the /base directory in the source. 

kl. 16:20:20 UTC+1 lørdag 8. mars 2014 skrev Mike Innes følgende:
> names(Type) may be what you are looking for, e.g. names(Complex) => [:re, 
> :im]
> On Saturday, 8 March 2014 14:41:47 UTC, Uwe Fechner wrote:
>> Thanks, iob.data works.
>> Is there a way in Julia to find out what are the field names of a Type, 
>> like the dir function in Python?
>> Best regards:
>> Uwe
>> On Saturday, March 8, 2014 3:33:27 PM UTC+1, Ivar Nesje wrote:
>>> Judging from 
>>> base/iobuffer.jl<https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/master/base/iobuffer.jl>,
>>> you can access iob.data to see the actual Uint8 array that backs a 
>>> PipeBuffer.
>>> Just note that type fields is not considered part of the exported and 
>>> (somewhat) stable interface.
>>> Ivar
>>> kl. 14:34:42 UTC+1 lørdag 8. mars 2014 skrev Uwe Fechner følgende:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I would like to convert the content of a pipebuffer int an array of 
>>>> Uint8.
>>>> My code so far:
>>>>     iob = PipeBuffer();
>>>>     write(iob, char(14))
>>>>     writeproto(iob, pub.state)
>>>> Now I want to print the content of iob as hex string for debugging.
>>>> I can use bytes2hex to convert an array of Uint8 to a hex string,
>>>> like in this example:
>>>> s="Hello world!"
>>>> bytes2hex(convert(Array{Uint8, 1}, s))
>>>> but I could not find a way to access the content of a PipeBuffer.
>>>> Any idea?
>>>> Regards:
>>>> Uwe

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