On Apr 14, 2014, at 12:08 PM, Jeff Waller <> wrote:

> The mahalanobis distance?
> (habanero cookies answer)
> So here's a conjecture.  The  mahalanobis distance of all golfed programs 
> solving the same problem for all equivalently expressive languages should be 
> the same.
> With enough data, maybe we can answer the following questions.
> 1) Is a particular problem harder/easier to solve for a particular language 
> (e.g. problems requiring matrix manipulation).
> 2) Is there a best value?  Is there no scaling needed?
> 3) Is there a best value?  Is scaling necessary because humans have a bias?
> 4) Could language A co-opt design from language B based on the above (e.g. 
> generators are cool).
> I wonder if the AST of the solving program could be useful; count the number 
> of non-terminals.  I think one could find a parser for pretty much any 
> language these days.  Can anyone thing of any other features? 
> BTW Julia already has code_llvm(), how easy would code_AST() be?

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