On Tuesday, April 29, 2014 4:41:52 PM UTC+1, Patrick O'Leary wrote:
> It might be easier to understand if we start by stripping away the 
> constraints and the function syntax and look just at the array type.
> Array{Real} is a concrete type. It's an array whose elements are all 
> subtypes of the abstract type Real.
> Array{T} is a family of types. It describes a whole bunch of types, 
> including Array{Real}, but also including Array{Float64}, Array{All} and 
> Array{Bob}. T can itself be either abstract--a heterogenous array--or 
> concrete.
> The constrained type variable {T<:Real}(::Array{T}) still describes a 
> family of types, but that family is smaller. Array{All} and Array{Bob} are 
> out.
> Hope this helps!

Thank you, Patrick. We have now covered how types for arrays currently do 
work (which I mostly understood), and corrected my mistake in point 3 of my 
original post. We haven't yet started to address the real point of my post 
yet, though. I'd be interested to hear more on that.

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