
Array(Int, 1) is a constructor for an uninitialized array.  The contents of 
an uninitialized array are just what is in memory at those addresses.  

On Tuesday, April 29, 2014 6:10:47 PM UTC-4, Renoir wrote:
> Hi all. Just curious for this:
> a1 = Array(Int, 1)
> a1[1] is 0
> a2 = Array(Int,1)
> and a2[1] is always 0.
> .......
> once, and only once, i get
> julia> a = Array(Int,1)
> 1-element Array{Int64,1}:
>  4294967296
> and a[1] was 4294967296
> why that value? I was using Julia 0.2.0
> Regards

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