There's no command, but "ctrl-l" (ctrl-ell) clears the screen.

Cheers, Kevin

On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 3:09 PM, Nafiul Islam <>wrote:

> Hi (again)!
> Hopefully a (slightly) more intelligent question this time. I've been
> successfully able to run shell commands from Julia through, and
> the first thing I did was clear the screen:
> julia>`clear`)
> However, I wanted to ask, if there was an inbuilt function that does this.
> Making one yourself is trivial of course:
> julia> f() =`clear`)
> f (generic function with 1 method)
> But creating one for each session is rather annoying.
> Second question is that I'm looking for something like Python's dirfunction:
> In [3]: import os
> In [4]: dir(os)
> Out[4]:
>  'EX_IOERR',
>  ....
>  ....
>  ....
>  'wait',
>  'wait3',
>  'wait4',
>  'waitpid',
>  'walk',
>  'write']
> In essence, it gives you a list of all the objects/functions that are
> available to that package. Now, I've taken a look at the help function in
> Julia, and its helpful on a function, it can give you information about a
> function that you know exist:
> julia> help(run)
>    Run a command object, constructed with backticks. Throws an error
>    if anything goes wrong, including the process exiting with a non-
>    zero status.
> However, it is Base that has this function. Is there a tool like dir that
> I can leverage to explore Julia?

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