I just hooked this up for ODE.jl - it was really easy! =) The single thing 
I had to "struggle" with (and it only took a couple of minutes to figure 
out) was how to get the repo to show up at Coveralls.io, since I'm not the 
owner (the JuliaLang organization is) and I wasn't on the public listing of 
organization members. The third entry in their troubleshooting guide fixed 
it for me: https://coveralls.io/docs/troubleshooting

After that, it was just plain easy to get everything in place, and I've 
instantly identified a couple of scenarios we should test for correct 
behavior, but don't. Great work indeed, Iain!

// Tomas

On Saturday, May 10, 2014 7:47:10 PM UTC+2, Iain Dunning wrote:
> And now its fixed for real - please give this a go! README has 
> instructions.
> On Thursday, May 8, 2014 10:15:17 PM UTC-4, Iain Dunning wrote:
>> I've now "fixed" this by truncating the range of characters to ASCII - 
>> ugly, but it works.
>> On Wednesday, May 7, 2014 2:16:06 PM UTC-4, Elliot Saba wrote:
>>> This looks like it might be a Requests.jl issue.  Is there an easy way 
>>> to get the data that the Requests module is choking on?
>>> -E
>>> On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 10:58 AM, Iain Dunning <iaind...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> I've added
>>>> - if [ $JULIAVERSION = "julianightlies" ]; then julia --code-coverage 
>>>> test/runtests.jl; fi
>>>> - if [ $JULIAVERSION = "juliareleases" ]; then julia test/runtests.jl; fi
>>>> to the Travis for JuMP, which is a little bit awkward but could be 
>>>> worse - its only temporary.
>>>> On Wednesday, May 7, 2014 12:32:28 PM UTC-4, Daniel Jones wrote:
>>>>> I've tried this out on a few repositories and it's great!
>>>>> One issue I'm having, which is more of a travis question: I'm testing 
>>>>> on both release and nightlies, but adding '--code-coverage' of course 
>>>>> breaks the release tests, since that wasn't added until recently. Can I 
>>>>> structure my .travis.yml so that the coverage is run on the nightlies 
>>>>> tests 
>>>>> but not release?
>>>>> On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 7:58:54 PM UTC-7, Iain Dunning wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I'd like to announce Coverage.jl https://github.
>>>>>> com/IainNZ/Coverage.jl
>>>>>> As of Julia 0.3, there is a command-line flag, --code-coverage, that 
>>>>>> tells you how many times each line in a file is run.
>>>>>> Coverage.jl takes this data, bundles it up, and sends it to 
>>>>>> Coveralls.io <http://coveralls.io>, a website the works with your CI 
>>>>>> system of choice to track your test coverage.
>>>>>> More information is in the README.
>>>>>> Its pretty simple to use: after enabling tracking on Coveralls.io, 
>>>>>> change your "run the tests line" to use the --code-coverage flag, then 
>>>>>> put 
>>>>>> something like the following in:
>>>>>> - julia -e 'Pkg.add("Coverage"); using Coverage; 
>>>>>> Coveralls.submit(Coveralls.process_folder())'
>>>>>> Here is a simple working example: https://github.com/
>>>>>> IainNZ/RationalSimplex.jl
>>>>>> Its pretty basic and not really robust right now, so of course Pull 
>>>>>> Requests welcome.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Iain

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