
I am starting to use Julia, and I would like to learn and contribute a bit. 
As I have some experience in numerics I am thinking of contributing to the 
ODE package.

I've read the ideas for the API, and I believe that we can still improve 
it. Usually, for this kind of solver, we could expect something such as :

ode_solve( F, y_0, t_0:t_1; stepping_method; step_choice_method )

where the stepping_method could be :
- Explicit Runge-Kutta
  It is is that kind of method, we also need some parameters such as the 
order of the method
- other methods ...

So how would you organise that ?My idea would be choosing SteppingMethod as 
an abstract type, and ExplicitRungeKutta as a concrete subtype that has 
different parameters. What do you think of that ? Is there a standard way 
to pass options to a function ?

I was thinking at looking at Gadfly to see how options are handled here. Do 
you recommend another package worth checking ?

Best regards,

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