DASSL.jl supports multiple equtions, I have just added an example to the 
readme file [1].  If you need any further help with setting up DASSL.jl I 
am ready to help you.

[1] https://github.com/pwl/DASSL.jl/blob/master/README.md

W dniu czwartek, 29 maja 2014 19:31:19 UTC+2 użytkownik Frederick napisał:
> Hi,
> DASSL doesn't work.  Multiple equations.
> Tried to do as Alex suggested.
> 1) download the appropriate file from
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/juliadeps-win/files/
> for sundials on 32 bit -- sundials-2.5.0-x86 ...
> for sundials on 64 bit -- sundials-2.5.0-i686...
> 2) extract and place in known folder
>    (placed in folder libDLLs in the .julia folder in C:/Users/Username/ 
> where all the other packages are kept)
>    NOTE: withing libDLLs is the file LICENSE and the folder usr
>               within the folder usr are the folders bin, include and lib  
> (and so forth keeping same structure as zip)
> 3) edit the juliarc.jl file (in Windows, found in the Julia/etc/julia 
> folder of the Windows version)
>    add push!(DL_LOAD_PATH, "C:/pat/to/libDLLs/usr")
>    and save
> Result when running test code in Sundials package:
> error compiling ode: could not load module libsundials_cvode: The specified 
> module could not be found.
> And not working yet.
> Tried also paths of... "C:/path/to/libDLLs/"  and  
> "C:/path/to/libDLLs/usr/bin"
> Questions:
>    where is the .juliarc.jl file to be found?
> I found a juliarc.jl file in the Julia/etc/julia folder.  But this file 
> does not have the dot at the beginning of the file name.
> Is this the file to alter, or is it a template to copy, rename with the 
> preceding dot, and place... where?
>    which folder should be referenced with the LOAD_PATH?
> is libDLLs enough?  or do I want a specific folder within that?
> Further suggestions?
> Once this works, I would suggest adding the explicit instructions to the 
> Sundials readme... and maybe to the other Packages requiring similar 
> dependencies.
> And thanks for the continued help, all.

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