It seems the idea of JIT Hardware Compilation has been around for a while:

On Friday, May 30, 2014 8:58:29 PM UTC-3, Jameson wrote:
> JIT hardware? I guess that is a reasonably logical next step after 
> doing JIT software compilers
> JIT FGPA sounds almost reasonable. Last time I checked, the Xilinx FGPA 
> coprocessor was very expensive (like new luxury car expensive), but is 
> anyone doing stuff like that already?
> On Friday, May 30, 2014, David Ainish < <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> Nice projects on those links. LegUp <> 
>> looks good.
>> I'm new to Julia so this may be a silly question... For that workflow 
>> (LLVM IR -> FPGA/ASIC), does Julia already emit IR code? if not, once Julia 
>> is able to emit IR code, would it be possible to use a tool like LegUp to 
>> create an ASIC?
>> The workflow IR -> ASIC would be a two-steps workflow. While it's a good 
>> option, there could be an integrated workflow that would give very 
>> interesting possibilities tied to Julia's dynamic nature.
>> Dreaming out loud, at the time we can 3D print microprocessors, if part 
>> of our code requires intensive processing and that task could be 
>> parallelized, we could 3D print for instance 100 processors of that 
>> specific task and Julia spread the work over those 100 ASICs.
>> Or translate the code that requires more computational power dynamically 
>> to any available FPGA.
>> On Thursday, May 29, 2014 7:00:15 PM UTC-3, Matt Bauman wrote:
>>> It seems like there are several groups working on an LLVM IR to 
>>> FPGA/ASIC compiler.  That'd be the way to do it.  Make julia emit the IR, 
>>> and then compile that to your ASIC.
>>> vhdl-backend-for-llvm
>>> Google search: llvm ir hardware (asic|fpga) 
>>> <>
>>> On Thursday, May 29, 2014 5:26:40 PM UTC-4, John Myles White wrote:
>>>> If someone wrote code to do that, I don't see why it wouldn't be 
>>>> possible.
>>>>  -- John
>>>> On May 29, 2014, at 11:44 AM, David Ainish <> wrote:
>>>> 3D printing is growing at a rapid pace and in a few years it will be 
>>>> possible to 3D print our own integrated circuits and microprocessors.
>>>> Would it be possible for Julia in the future to do Hardware compilation 
>>>> <> and 3D print ASICs 
>>>> <> from our Julia code?

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