Hi Thomas,

This is definitely a reasonable thing to want to do, and there are a number 
of methods to differentiate through a matrix factorization. Julia doesn't 
yet have a generic chol() method 
(see https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/1629), but it does have a 
generic LU decomposition method that works with DualNumbers. So if you 
replace cholfact with lufact your code might just work. However, this won't 
use LAPACK, and off-hand I'm not sure off hand if it's possible to 
reformulate a Cholesky with dual numbers into something LAPACK knows how to 
compute. There also might be some performance issues with your hand-written 
Cholesky factorization, try:

function choldn!{T}(A::Matrix{T})

instead of

function choldn!(A::Array)
 T = eltype(A);

Exactly how much slower is it?

On Monday, June 2, 2014 2:43:32 PM UTC-4, Thomas Covert wrote:
> I'm really excited to use DualNumbers and the autodiff option in Optim.jl. 
>  However, the functions I would like to optimize often make use of linear 
> algebra, including cholesky factorizations.  At present, DualNumbers.jl 
> does not implement a cholesky factorization.  My first pass at a workaround 
> for this was to just write out a standard cholesky solver  (i.e., just 
> writing out the equations listed in wikipedia).  This seems to work fine - 
> i.e., my "choldn()" function factors a DualNumber array into upper and 
> lower triangular matrices whose product is the input.  
> However, my "choldn" function listed below is MUCH slower than the LAPACK 
> call built into chol().  I can't say I'm surprised by this, but the speed 
> hit makes the whole enterprise of using autodiff with DualNumbers 
> considerably less useful.
> I was hoping to find some neat linear algebra trick that would let me 
> compute a DualNumber cholesky factorization without having to resort to 
> non-LAPACK code, but I haven't found it yet.  That is, I figured that I 
> could compute the cholesky factorization of the real part of the matrix and 
> then separately compute a matrix which represented the DualNumber part. 
>  However, I've not yet found a math text describing such a beast.
> Any ideas?  Am I wrong in thinking that a Cholesky decomposition of a 
> square array with DualNumbers is a well-defined mathematical object?
> I've included my code for "choldn()" below.
> Thanks in advance.
> function choldn!(A::Array)
>     N = size(A,1);
>     T = eltype(A);
>     tmp = zero(T);
>     for j = 1:N # cols                                                   
>         for i = j:N # rows                                               
>             if i == j
>                 if i == 1
>                     A[i,j] = sqrt(A[i,j]);
>                 else
>                     tmp = zero(T);
>                     for k = 1:j-1
>                         tmp += A[j,k] ^ 2;
>                     end
>                     A[i,j] = sqrt(A[i,j] - tmp);
>                 end
>             else
>                 if j == 1
>                     A[i,j] = A[i,j] / A[j,j];
>                 else
>                     tmp = zero(T);
>                     for k = 1:j-1
>                         tmp += A[i,k] * A[j,k];
>                     end
>                     A[i,j] = (A[i,j] - tmp) / A[j,j];
>                 end
>             end
>         end
>     end
>     # then zero out the non-cholesky stuff                               
>     for i = 1:N
>         if i < N
>             for j = i+1:N
>                 A[i,j] = zero(T);
>             end
>         end
>     end
> end

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