Ok, thanks for explaining that, that makes lots more sense but to me is not 
immediately obvious, I would have expected the type of x in f2 to change to 
Float64 as the chained expression was evaluated from right to left, so the 
consequence of this not happening is unexpected for me! I don't think one 
is better or worse than the other as long as it is consistent for the 
language, now I know what happens I can avoid using them when I want 
something different to happen.

For clarity can you please let me know that this is the right 
interpretation for what happens in a chained expression?

function f2()

    # the chained assignment below results in the equivalent of (but the 
order may be different)
    # x = 0
    # y = 0
    # return 0

    x = y = 0


On Thursday, June 5, 2014 12:32:03 AM UTC+8, Stefan Karpinski wrote:
> The reason that assignments return the unconverted value of their right 
> hand side is so that assignment chains behave as expected instead of the 
> assignments to the right subtly and surprisingly affecting assignments to 
> the left. Otherwise you would have unfortunate effects like this:
> function f1()
>   x = y = 0
>   return x
> end
> function f2()
>   y::Float64
>   x = y = 0
>   return x
> end
> julia> f1()
> 0
> julia> f2()
> 0.0
> This is NOT what currently happens – these return the same value, i.e. 0 – 
> this is a mockup of what would happen if the expression y = 0 evaluated to 
> the value that is assigned to y after conversion rather than the value 0 
> before conversion.

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