So if I have an array of Bool, isprime (obtained by sieving, e.g.) of 
length n, [1:n][isprime] will give the same result as primes(n)? That's 
nice to know, though I'd call the syntax... interesting. :D
Concerning the original problem:
When we use do notation, an additional line x,y=p won't cost much. In 
lambda style, one could define a convenience function 
splice(f::Function)=p->f(p...) and use splice((x,y)->whatever we can do to 
x and y) in map or filter, without much damage to readability. Well, within 
reason... try map(splice(*),enumerate(1:10)). Haskell aficionados may know 
that the borderline between point-free and pointless is a bit fuzzy.

Am Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2014 18:25:40 UTC+2 schrieb Keith Campbell:
> You could also use a list comprehension without enumerate:
> d=[6,5,4,3,2,1,0]
> n=4
> sum(d[ Bool[i<=n && d[i]!=i && d[d[i]]==i for i in 1:length(d)]   ] )
> >> 18
> Coming from numpy, I find this syntax intuitive, aside from the 
> requirement to explicitly set the comprehension type to Bool.
> On Thursday, June 19, 2014 11:57:04 AM UTC-4, Matt Bauman wrote:
>> There's also an open issue about "splitting" or "splatting" of tuples 
>> within function arguments that's very relevant here: Allow tuple 
>> destructuring in formal arguments, 
>> It's a common use case that I run into often, especially with enumerate 
>> and dictionaries.  So you're not alone.
>> On Thursday, June 19, 2014 3:57:33 AM UTC-4, gentlebeldin wrote:
>>> Ah, I see, multiple dispatch is the real cause. I'll have to live with 
>>> the little ideosyncrasy, then.
>>> Peter's idea filter(p -> +(p...)%4 != 0, pairs) works fine... in my 
>>> simple example. In real life, I wanted to filter an array d of integers, 
>>> with a predicate
>>> i<=n && d[i]!=i && d[d[i]]==i, so filter((i,v)->i<=n && v!=i && 
>>> d[v]==i,enumerate(d)) looked like a reasonable idea, it just doesn't work. 
>>> We can make it work, though that looks a bit strange, too:
>>> filter([e for e in enumerate(d)]) do x
>>>        i,v=x
>>>        i<=n && v!=i && d[v]==i       
>>>        end
>>> Here, it looks as if the function filter took only one argument. It 
>>> works, however. In my code, I had to sum up the values of i after 
>>> filtering, so I chose the obscure formulation
>>> sum(map(first,filter(x->x[1]!=x[2] && x[2]<=n && 
>>> d[x[2]]==x[1],enumerate(d))))

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