Such questions are usually easiest to answer for the developer of a 
package, and the best way to reach him/her is to open an issue with the 
package. Most other readers of julia-users will probably not spend time to 
investigate possible feature requests (or documentation issues) before the 
developer has had a chance to comment on the issue.

Please file an issue at the repository, and comment here again if you don't 
get a useful response from @Lytol within a reasonable time.


kl. 11:17:08 UTC+2 mandag 30. juni 2014 skrev Christian Schulz følgende:
> Hi,
> has someone a hint, how I could use a range query?
> # Find everyone's name and age and display
> fields = { "name" => 1, "age" => 1 }
> cursor = find(client, "test.people", Dict(), fields)
> How is it possible to iterate only for people with age > 30 for example?
> Many thanks
> Christian

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