Could you try the latest prerelease from the website? Looks like 2809 was 
prior to the latex additions. 

On Monday, 30 June 2014 13:21:57 UTC+2, Ivo Balbaert wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> I use : julia version 0.3.0-prerelease+2809
> on Windows 8 - 64 bit
> Ivo
> Op maandag 30 juni 2014 09:00:09 UTC+2 schreef Michael Hatherly:
>> Hi Ivo,
>> Which version of julia are you using, v0.2.1 or v0.3? latex_symbols looks 
>> like it's only a v0.3 feature.
>> -- other Mike
>> On Monday, 30 June 2014 08:56:03 UTC+2, Ivo Balbaert wrote:
>>> Hi Mike,
>>> It looks very nice, but I still have an issue.
>>> I followed all recommendations, have updated all plugins, on startup 
>>> after Spinning up a Julia client, I always get the error:
>>> Couldn't connect to Julia
>>> ERROR: latex_symbols not definedin anonymous at no file
>>>  in include at boot.jl:244
>>>  in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
>>>  in include at boot.jl:244
>>>  in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
>>>  in reload_path at loading.jl:152
>>>  in _require at loading.jl:67
>>>  in require at loading.jl:51
>>>  in include at boot.jl:244
>>>  How could I fix this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ivo
>>> Op zondag 29 juni 2014 11:46:21 UTC+2 schreef Mike Innes:
>>>> Hey all,
>>>> I've released the latest version of the Julia environment 
>>>> <> I'm building. There 
>>>> are a whole bunch of improvements but the main ones are:
>>>>    - Support for latex completions (\alpha etc.)
>>>>    - Support for graphics including Gadfly and Images.jl (though until 
>>>>    my patch is released you'll need to Pkg.checkout("Gadfly") to get 
>>>>    interactivity)
>>>>    - Rewritten and improved autocomplete system, which now completes 
>>>>    package names in Pkg functions and paths in include statements, and can 
>>>> be 
>>>>    extended to support anything else
>>>>    - Support for accessing methods and docs both while on a function 
>>>>    and within its parentheses
>>>>    - Auto-detection of the module you're working in
>>>>    - Links and highlighted lines for error messages
>>>>    - Semantic highlighting in the "june night" theme
>>>>    - Highlighting support for string interpolation
>>>>    - Full support for unicode
>>>>    - More documentation
>>>>    - Tabs are restored after restarting, like Sublime
>>>>    - Several new and improved rough edges
>>>> I also want to shout out to all the people who have tried this out so 
>>>> far, given feedback, and/or sent me PRs – every bit of enthusiasm really 
>>>> makes a big difference, so thank you.
>>>> – Mike

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