> shouldn't be using the REPL ("console") at all for this sort of thing
Fair point, even though using REPL has advantages: we can always go to the 
Julia console to see what has been executed, look at the history, use help, 
try out variations of the code directly there... Nevertheless, the thread 
was started saying that evaluation of computer generated code was just one 
of the potential applications of capturing the console output. Logging 
Julia output to a file was another, and there are several more.

Here we are after 40 posts in this thread and we still don't know, how to 
capture the Julia REPL output.

On Friday, July 4, 2014 12:36:55 AM UTC-6, Steven G. Johnson wrote:
> On Thursday, July 3, 2014 9:20:55 PM UTC-4, Laszlo Hars wrote:
>> Looking into Steve's code we see it cheats. Our problem has been that the 
>> Julia console output does not appear on STDOUT, only the results of print() 
>> do. Steve's code evaluates the input expression and then prints it. 
> The point I have been trying to make is that you probably shouldn't be 
> using the REPL ("console") at all for this sort of thing, which is not what 
> the REPL was designed for; you should be writing your own read/print 
> script.  Outside of the REPL, you have no choice but to use print (or 
> similar) if you want to see a result.

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