On Wednesday, July 16, 2014 4:12:05 PM UTC-4, j verzani wrote:
> Here is a small argument: in SymPy the negation prints with that 
> character. So to match the output I was hoping
> to utilize (U+00AC)  as ! for input. Easy to work around, but it might be 
> nice to have.

Another argument is simply that we already parse the other logic operators, 
e.g. ∧ (\wedge) and ∨ (\vee), as operators, so it is a bit perverse not to 
complete the set and parse ¬ as an operator too.

On the other hand, sometimes there are "good" arguments for not completing 
a set.  For example, we do not, and probably will never, parse a 
superscript "q" as an identifier symbol, even though we accept superscript 
versions of the other 25 lower-case Latin letters.   (If you're wondering 
why, google "superscript q unicode" and be prepared to tear your hair out.)

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