@Jutho: precomputing matrices doesn't make too much difference:

 julia> R = rand(100, 200
 julia> Z = zeros(100, 200)
 julia> O = ones(100, 200)

 julia> @time for i=1:1000 A * R end 
 elapsed time: 2.845228639 seconds (320080000 bytes allocated, 8.31% gc 

 julia> @time for i=1:1000 A * O end 
 elapsed time: 2.811217686 seconds (320080000 bytes allocated, 8.33% gc 

 julia> @time for i=1:1000 A * Z end 
 elapsed time: 0.288209494 seconds (320080000 bytes allocated, 83.87% gc 


@Thomas: no difference too: 

 julia> @time for i=1:1000 A * R end 
 elapsed time: 3.079787601 seconds (320080000 bytes allocated, 8.15% gc 

 julia> gc()

 julia> @time for i=1:1000 A * R end 
 elapsed time: 2.802706492 seconds (320080000 bytes allocated, 7.15% gc 

 julia> gc()

... (5x more times with same results)

 julia> @time for i=1:1000 A * Z end 
 elapsed time: 0.254381593 seconds (320080000 bytes allocated, 81.42% gc 

 julia> gc()

 julia> @time for i=1:1000 A * Z end 
 elapsed time: 0.252976879 seconds (320080000 bytes allocated, 81.44% gc 

 julia> gc()

!julia> @time for i=1:1000 A * R end 
 elapsed time: 2.77465144 seconds (320080000 bytes allocated, 7.20% gc time)


There's, however, one interesting observation - the larger are matrices, 
the larger is different. For example, for A = rand(20, 10); R = rand(10, 
20) and Z = zeros(10, 20) we have: 

 julia> @time for i=1:1000000 A * R end 
 elapsed time: 6.073379483 seconds (3296000000 bytes allocated, 40.88% gc 

!julia> @time for i=1:1000000 A * Z end 
 elapsed time: 3.357091461 seconds (3296000000 bytes allocated, 74.58% gc 

Only 2 times faster. But for A = rand(2000, 1000); R = rand(1000, 2000) and 
Z = zeros() we have: 

 julia> @time for i=1:10 A * R end 
 elapsed time: 32.497353017 seconds (320001120 bytes allocated, 0.43% gc 

 julia> @time for i=1:10 A * Z end 
 elapsed time: 0.209265586 seconds (320001120 bytes allocated, 70.28% gc 

155 times faster! 

Moreover, if I use binary matrix (half of elements is 1 and half is 0), 
time is 1/2 of time for random numbers: 

 julia> B = zeros(size(R))

 julia> B[R .> 0.5] = 1

 julia> @time for i=1:10 A * B end 
 elapsed time: 16.077884672 seconds (320001120 bytes allocated, 1.09% gc 

So time is proportional to a number of non-zero elements.

For reference: I use Intel i7 processor with 2 cores, hyperthreading 
enabled (so virtually 4 cores), but only 1 core working. 

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