./Foo isn't valid syntax, so that's not quite going to work. You could
do @require
"./Foo" instead. For what it's worth, I don't think that deciding whether
to load a file or package based on capitalization is a good idea. One
alternative would be to load a package if the argument is a symbol and load
a file if the argument is a string.

On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 2:40 PM, TR NS <transf...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Monday, August 18, 2014 12:13:12 PM UTC-4, Stefan Karpinski wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 11:56 AM, TR NS <tran...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Monday, August 18, 2014 8:45:58 AM UTC-4, Stefan Karpinski wrote:
>>>> It is a convention, but it isn't required anywhere or guaranteed. You
>>>> can currently count on package names being ASCII.
>>> Do you expect the ASCII part will eventually change too? If I can count
>>> on ASCII, that means I can pretty much count on the fact that foreign
>>> languages such as Chinese and Arabic, that do not have capitalization, will
>>> never be used for package names. And if that's always going to be the case,
>>> then it seems like the capitalization thing may as well just be a rule and
>>> not a convention. Of course, even if such languages are eventually
>>> supported, it could still be a rule with an exception for such languages.
>>> I guess what I am saying, from the other way round, is if it's not going
>>> to be a rule, why even bother with the convention?
>> The ASCII part seems like a good thing to stick to. Unicode support for
>> file names is not universal yet and is very likely to cause problems. ASCII
>> is pretty much the only thing you can count on working right in all file
>> systems.
>> Conventions are for people, not computers. None of the operating system,
>> the language or the package manager have any reason to care if a package
>> name is uppercase or not. It's nice for people if these things are somewhat
>> consistent, however. Since module names in Julia are uppercase by
>> convention, package names are too. But there's no good reason for the
>> language or the package manager to fail if a module or package isn't
>> uppercase. Why make things more rigid than they have to be?
>> What's the reason you want to rely on packages being capitalized?
> In Rosoman's Require.jl (https://github.com/jkroso/Require.jl) it would
> be nice if `@require foo` could mean local file, and `@import Foo` could
> mean a package. One can still use `@import ./Foo` to force local lookup if
> need be.  If the capitalization convention is close enough to being a rule
> to make no significant practical difference, then this would work and it
> would be nice b/c the code would read a little better. But if not, local
> imports will always have to have to be in the form of  `./foo`.

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