The "julia" executable inside ** is a wrapper
executable that launches a terminal and runs the true julia executable
inside it.  You can get at the true julia executable by adding
** to your path.  Note that
Christoph's line is adding some extra paths to his PATH, not just Julia's.
 Just adding Julia's path to your PATH environment variable is done via:


Assuming, of course, that your ** file is in */Applications*.
 It doesn't need to be, you can run it from anywhere, but putting it there
is rather standard, I suppose.

On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 8:28 AM, Christoph Ortner <
> wrote:

> The file `~/.bash_profile'  should contain something like this:
> export PATH="~/Dropbox/Admin/scripts:/Applications/
> Contents/MacOS:/Users/ortner/anaconda/bin:$PATH"
> However, it will always open a new terminal, rather than opening julia in
> your current terminal. If anybody knows how to fix this, i would love to
> hear.
> Christoph
> On Tuesday, 2 September 2014 06:16:02 UTC+1, Anonymous wrote:
>> I'm trying to figure out how to create an alias/shortcut whatever in the
>> mac terminal so that I can just type "julia" and julia will start up, just
>> the way python works when I type "python".  It's something about a bash or
>> something.

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