Thanks Kevin, that sounds like a good approach!

On Tuesday, 2 September 2014 23:23:44 UTC-4, Kevin Squire wrote:
> Assuming you're using the Travis testing framework, one way to handle this 
> would be to modify the .travis.yml to install MongoDB.  For the Linux 
> build, it would be easiest if you installed the Debian package, although it 
> seems that Mongo itself also has packages you could install.
> Here's an example using VideoIO which installs various libav packages:
> If you haven't done so yet, you'll also have to configure the repository 
> to use Travis testing.
> The config above is only for Linux testing.  It should be possible to 
> configure something for OSX, but I'm not sure how that's done.  Windows 
> testing is less common, but I think a few packages are set up using 
> Appveyor.
> Cheers,
>    Kevin
> On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 7:42 PM, Peter Zion < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> Apologies first if this is clearly documented somewhere.  I'm new to 
>> Julia so I'm still getting used to things like package management.
>> I am building new MongoDB bindings for Julia (the existing ones at 
>> appear to be abandoned) and I was hoping I would be 
>> able to make use of Julia's great testing framework.
>> In order to do this well I believe that I need to specify a build.jl that 
>> only applies to the tests. The specific case is that the bindings module 
>> only needs to build the Mongo C client library to run, but in order to test 
>> the client you need to build MongoDB itself.  Then, the test would run an 
>> instance of the database using a temporary directory etc. and test against 
>> that.
>> Is there a way to do specify a build.jl that is only used for testing? 
>>  Or do I currently have to had MongoDB itself to the top level 
>> deps/build.jl?
>> Thanks in advance for any help!

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