Thanks for explanation Stefan.  My goal was to use a constant vector
inside a macro as a... constant vector.  The benefits are obvious, I could
feed the constant coefficients used in evalpoly into, say, evalpade, or
do some computation between two or more constant vectors in a form
I understand and have the operations constant propagate away.

The problem, as you point out, really lies in the declaration scope for
these constants.

So there is no way to define an extra scope that is accessible to the macro
and could be used to store what I want to be constants.

So this means that all constants have to be passed as literals to the
macro.  Good to know.

Thanks again.

On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 1:08 PM, Stefan Karpinski <>

> A macro's role is to take some expressions, symbols and literals and
> produce a single expression that will be what is actually evaluated. This
> expansion occurs when the macro is *parsed* not when the code runs.
> Therefore, if you call eval on something inside of a macro body, you are
> most likely evaluating it before it runs and at a point where the variables
> you're evaluating don't even exist. If your macro is used at the top-level
> global scope, these happen to be the same thing, but your macro is still
> broken and it won't work inside of a function, for example since the eval
> occurs when the function is defined, not when the function is called.
> On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 5:27 PM, Don MacMillen <>
> wrote:
>> There you have it... Zen was never my thing.  So I find the previous two
>> comments cryptic.
>> The macro _seemed_ to be doing what I wanted it to.  Is there some
>> documentation that
>> speaks to calling (or rather not calling) eval from inside a macro?
>> On Saturday, August 30, 2014 2:15:54 PM UTC-7, John Myles White wrote:
>>> This might need to be part of the Zen of Julia.
>>>  — John
>>> On Aug 30, 2014, at 2:11 PM, Jameson Nash <> wrote:
>>> calling eval in a macro doesn't do what you think it does, so it doesn't
>>> do what you want
>>> On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 5:05 PM, Don MacMillen <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Perfect Steve, many thanks for the explanation.  But just to be sure I
>>>> understand,
>>>> the multiple eval of input expression, your begin println("hello"); 3
>>>> end  would only
>>>> occur during macro expansion?
>>>> Also, just to beat this poor dead horse into the ground, to get the
>>>> behavior I wanted,
>>>> get rid of the splice, get rid of the splat and pass a single vector
>>>> parameter to the
>>>> macro and then eval it there.  Now that's the behavior I wanted but
>>>> performance is
>>>> another issue.  How would I reason about the relative performance here?
>>>> macro hornervec(x, c)
>>>>     p = eval(c)
>>>>     ex = esc(p[end])
>>>>     for i = length(p)-1:-1:1
>>>>         ex = :($(esc(p[i])) + t * $ex)
>>>>     end
>>>>     Expr(:block, :(t = $(esc(x))), ex)
>>>> end
>>>> On Saturday, August 30, 2014 12:42:11 AM UTC-7, Steven G. Johnson wrote:
>>>>> The answer is related to your splicing questions.  What gets passed to
>>>>> the macro is not the value of the argument, but rather the symbolic
>>>>> expression of the argument.  If I didn't use a temporary variable, that
>>>>> symbolic expression would get inserted multiple times into the polynomial
>>>>> evaluation.  This is not what you want because it means the expression
>>>>> could be evaluated multiple times.
>>>>>> Try passing an expression with a side effect and you'll see what I
>>>>>> mean:
>>>>>> @horner(begin
>>>>>>                    printf("hello")
>>>>>>                    3
>>>>>>                end, 4,5,6,7)
>>>>> Whoops, I mean println, not printf.  And I mean, try passing it to a
>>>>> version of horner that does not use a temporary variable.

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