On Monday, September 8, 2014 12:37:16 PM UTC-4, Tony Kelman wrote:
> Calm down. It's very easy to match Octave here, by writing the standard 
> library in C. Julia chose not to go that route. Of course everyone would 
> like the concise vectorized syntax to be as fast as the for-loop syntax. If 
> it were easy to do that *without* writing the standard library in C, it 
> would've been done already. In the meantime it isn't easy and hasn't been 
> done yet, so when someone asks how to write code that's faster than Octave, 
> this is the answer.

Haha, why do I come across as combative??? HUH?  Oh wait that's kind of 
combative.  But, wait,from above  I think it's been illustrated that a 
C-based rewrite is not necessary, but the current form is no good.  

> There have been various LLVM bugs regarding automatic optimizations of 
> converting small integer powers to multiplications. "if y == 2" code really 
> shouldn't be necessary here, LLVM is smarter than that but sometimes fickle 
> and buggy under the demands Julia puts on it.

Apparently.  For some additional info.  Check this out  if you change the 
Octave example to this:

>> tic;y=x.^2.1;toc
Elapsed time is 1.80085 seconds.

Now it's slower than Julia. Like you said, you can't trust LLVM on 
everything, so the question is what to do about it?

> And in this case the answer is clearly a reduction for which Julia has a 
> very good set of tools to express efficiently. If your output is much less 
> data than your input, who cares how fast you can calculate temporaries that 
> you don't need to save?

I think this is missing the point and concentrating on optimizing the wrong 
thing or possibly I'm missing your point.  Here's my point

Everyone coming from Octave/Matlab will expect and should expect that  X.^2 
is usable and just as fast.

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