1) Have you tried changing the `require("dirlist.jl")` inside module
Aerodyne to `include("dirlist.jl")`? If so, what happened?

2) If that didn't work, does dirlist.jl define any modules?

-- Leah

On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 4:46 AM, RecentConvert <giz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My .juliarc.jl file has three sections: the first adds any paths to
> LOAD_PATH, the second loads common modules including the Aerodyne one I am
> having issues with, and the final one is a list of requires of common
> functions I use including dirlist.jl. Aerodyne does call it earlier as a
> require when it is loaded as well.
> # 3 methods for generic function "dirlist":
> dirlist() at O:\Code\Julia\dirlist.jl:11
> dirlist(directory::ASCIIString) at O:\Code\Julia\dirlist.jl:32
> dirlist(directories::Array{ASCIIString,1}) at O:\Code\Julia\dirlist.jl:36

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