On Thursday, September 18, 2014 12:00:32 PM UTC-4, Florian Oswald wrote:
> well, I guess most computer scientists would be surprised. writing on a 
> piece of paper
> -10^2
> and
> -(10^2)
> I think most people are going to say the first expression is 100 and the 
> second is -100. I take the point that what I did was a bit stupid and Julia 
> is not making any mistake here.

Note that in Fortran, Python, Matlab, and Mathematica, the exponentiation 
operator has higher precedence than unary -, similar to Julia.   -10^2 in 
WolframAlpha (http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=-10%5E2) gives 100, and 
WolframAlpha tries pretty hard to do natural-language interpretation of 
mathematical expressions.

So, I'm not sure why computer scientists would be surprised.

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