
On Thursday, September 18, 2014 12:46:03 PM UTC-4, Alex wrote:
> Hi Everyone, 
> Does anyone know of code that would have julia send an email or text at a 
> certain point in a script. I'm sending some big projects of to a digital 
> ocean droplet and I think this would be a nice thing to add so I can stop 
> obsessively checking my code all day. Here's the stata code that makes it 
> work:
> *stata -b 'yourdofile.do' && echo "done body" | mail -s "done subject" 
> [youremail @ yourhost .com] &*
>  I've done with Stata pretty easily, but I can't quite get it to work with 
> julia. Also with Matlab, it's pretty easy to make it "chirp" ("gong") when 
> a code has successful (unsuccessfully) reached a point. Does anyone know 
> how to do this? Here's the matlab code that makes it work:
> load chirp 
> sound(y,Fs)
> Thanks!
> Alex
> The stata trick was found via: 
> http://scholar.harvard.edu/bauhoff/tricks.html

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