New package QuantEcon.jl <>.

This package collects code for quantitative economic modeling. It is 
currently comprised of two main parts:

   A toolbox of routines useful when doing economics
   Implementations of types and solution methods for common economic 
This library has a python twin: 
<>. The same development team is 
working on both projects, so we hope to keep the two libraries in sync very 
closely as new functionality is added.

The library contains all the code necessary to do the computations found on, a website dedicated to providing lectures that each 
economics and programming. The website currently (as of 9/18/14) has only a 
python version, but the Julia version is in late stages of refinement and 
should be live very soon (hopefully within a week).

The initial version of the website will feature 6 lectures dedicated to 
helping a new user set up a working Julia environment and learn the basics 
of the language. In addition to this language specific section, the website 
will include 22 other lectures on topics including

   - statistics: markov processes (continuous and discrete state), 
   auto-regressive processes, the Kalman filter, covariance stationary 
   proceses, ect. 
   - economic models: the income fluctuation problem, an asset pricing 
   model, the classic optimal growth model, optimal (Ramsey) taxation , the 
   McCall search model 
   - dynamic programming: shortest path, as well as recursive solutions to 
   economic models 

All the lectures have code examples in Julia and most of the 22 will 
display code from the QuantEcon.jl library.

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