Great! Thank you very much for your response, Ivar! I will definitely take
a time to study Github. I only use Github to organize my own projects, so I
have never gone into the details of it. Thanks for your advice!



On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 7:14 PM, Ivar Nesje <> wrote:

> Git work with a tree of commits, you need to write down the SHA of the
> commit rather than the number. `release-0.3` and `v0.3.X` works because we
> have a branch named `release-0.3` and tags named `v0.3.0`, `v0.3.1` and
> `v0.3.2` that points to the correct commits.
> There are numerous Git tutorials online, and if you want to be involved in
> any collaborative coding I'd strongly recommend that you spend some time to
> learn to be friends with git, rather than trying to fight it. Your time
> will be well spent.
> kl. 18:57:23 UTC+1 tirsdag 4. november 2014 skrev Ivar Nesje følgende:
>> You need to do
>> git checkout c1fd3ab4edefcd7194
>> kl. 16:24:54 UTC+1 tirsdag 4. november 2014 skrev Charles Santana
>> følgende:
>>> Dear list,
>>> I am trying to downgrade my julia installation to the version
>>> 0.4.0-dev+734. Currently I have the nightly Julia Version 0.4.0-dev+1408.
>>> I tried the following command:
>>> git checkout 0.4.0-dev+734
>>> But I got the following error message: "error: pathspec '0.4.0-dev+734'
>>> did not match any file(s) known to git."
>>> I successfully could do a downgrade to version 0.3 by running "git
>>> checkout release-0.3". Why is it different for a previous version of
>>> 0.4.0-dev?
>>> Sorry if this is a question regarding to Github more than Julia scope.
>>> And thanks in advance for any help.
>>> Best,
>>> Charles
>>> --
>>> Um axé! :)
>>> --
>>> Charles Novaes de Santana, PhD

Um axé! :)

Charles Novaes de Santana, PhD

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