Thank you! It seems to have worked.
Per João's suggestions, I had to:

   - Create a fork on Github of the target package repository
   - Clone my fork locally
   - Create a branch on my local repository
   - Add, commit, & push my changes to said branch
   - On github I could then submit the pull request from my forked repo to 
   the upstream master

On Monday, November 10, 2014 11:17:55 AM UTC-8, Tim Wheeler wrote:
> Hello Julia Users,
> I wrote some code that I would like to submit via pull request to a Julia 
> package. The thing is, I am new to this and do not understand the pull 
> request process.
> What I have done:
>    - used Pkg.add to obtain a local version of said package
>    - ran `git branch mybranch` to create a local git branch 
>    - created my code additions and used `git add` to include them. Ran 
>    `git commit -m`
> I am confused over how to continue. The instructions on git for issuing a 
> pull request require that I use their UI interface, but my local branch is 
> not going to show up when I select "new pull request" because it is, well, 
> local to my machine. Do I need to fork the repository first? When I try 
> creating a branch through the UI I do not get an option to create one like 
> they indicate in the tutorial 
> <>,
> perhaps because I am not a repo owner.
> Thank you.

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