Just tried Atom. It appears very good, but I am not sure what advantages it has over Kate which is what I have been using?

On 2014年11月29日 00:54, Pileas wrote:
I use Atom. It resembles so much with Sublime (maybe the same people work there).

I tried Light Table. It is faster when it opens (this is a problem that Atom has so far: it is a little slow), but I find Atom easier to work with. Easy to install packages and themes. Supports many languages syntax (Fortran and Julia included).

I don't know about Bracket.

Τη Παρασκευή, 28 Νοεμβρίου 2014 11:39:43 π.μ. UTC-5, ο χρήστης Daniel Carrera έγραψε:

    Hi everyone,

    Can anyone here comment or share opinions on the newer text
    editors -- Atom, Light Table, Bracket -- that seem to be trying to
    supplant Sublime Text? A lot of the information you find online
    seems to be geared toward web development, but my interest is
    programming with Julia (and Fortran). That's why I asking for
    opinions on the Julia mailing list.

    I currently use Sublime Text, and I am very happy with it. But I
    am curious about the others, since they seem to intentionally copy
    the most important features from Sublime Text. If you have
    experience with these editors and can tell me why you like one
    better than another, I would love to hear it.


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