> This 3 column are neccessary for later analysis in my work, first and 
> second column index and 3rd values. I have to use three columns same time.

Ok right so, whatever the exact expression is, it's going to have the form


where f does some indexing function followed sometime later by


where g does some value stuff. 

but you don't have


because there's no builtin thing that does both indexing and evaluation 
I'm using f g and h just to short-hand describe what's going on, not to 
they are actually called f, g, h or even that they're actually formally 
functions.  So if that's
the case then really why not use A and B?  Convenience, Encapsulation? 
 Sure, that's valid
but I'm suggesting that those two things are even better served by using 
composites, because
then you have the type system working for you instead of against you.

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