Or p = Vector{Int}[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]

On 3 December 2014 at 13:41, Simon Danisch <sdani...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You mean like this?
> q = Array(Array{Int}, 2) # 2 -> space for two arrays... otherwise use 0
> and push!(q, [1,2,3])
> q[1] = [1,2,3];q[2]=[2,3,4]
> this works as well:
> Array{Int}[[1,2,3], [2,3,4]]
> Am Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2014 14:32:39 UTC+1 schrieb Staro Pickle:
>> Hi, I am asking a simple question because I can't find the answer in the
>> document.
>> I want to have this: q[ ] is an array whose elements are vectors.
>> For example, q[1] = [1,2,3]; q[2] = [2,3,4]
>> Thank you.

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