On Friday, December 5, 2014 9:57:28 AM UTC-5, Michiaki Ariga wrote:
> I found there are no method such as sort_by() after v0.3.
> But I want to count word frequency with Dict() and sort by its value to 
> find frequent word.
> So, how can I sort Dict efficiently?

 You may want to use a different data structure.  For example, you can 
store word frequencies in a PriorityQueue and then pull out the most 
frequent word with peek or dequeue.  See:


(A PriorityQueue lets you quickly fetch the smallest value, whereas you 
want the largest frequency, but you can work around this by just storing 
frequency * -1.)

If you need all of the values in order, you can instead use an OrderedDict 
from https://github.com/JuliaLang/DataStructures.jl

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