I suppose that the fft limitation is due fftw supporting only float32 and 

I am not sure if simd supports float16. If not you should not expect any 
speed gains.



Am Dienstag, 23. Dezember 2014 11:56:46 UTC+1 schrieb Mark B:
> I was wondering how Julia supports half precision operations? It seems it 
> does (more or less) but I'm not sure if there's a lot of type conversion 
> going on behind the scenes with associated overhead. Would it be more 
> efficient to store and crunch on Float32s?
> julia> rand(Float16,2,2) * rand(Float16,2,2)
> 2x2 Array{Float16,2}:
>  0.58301  1.0508
>  0.48145  0.73438
> julia> sparse(rand(Float16,2,2))
> 2x2 sparse matrix with 4 Float16 entries:
>         [1, 1]  =  0.448
>         [2, 1]  =  0.15771
>         [1, 2]  =  0.79932
>         [2, 2]  =  0.50928
> julia> fft(rand(Float16,2,2))
> 2x2 Array{Complex{Float64},2}:
>    1.76245+0.0im  -0.0603027+0.0im
>  -0.129639+0.0im   -0.390869+0.0im
> Oops for the last one - is fft always double precision?

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