Eric (and Keno),

My statement that Julia "is from and for researchers" has been made in a 
certain context where I wanted to explain why Julia has a different 
development model than a programming language that is development within 

My personal opinion is that Julia is a great general purpose language that 
will be very interesting beyond researchers. I have worked in companies and 
believe that Julia has a great potential for
- reducing development time
- generating maintainable code

Because I believe in this I have worked on embedding Julia in C/C++ which 
also could be an option for your business (see the embedding chapter in the 

A better statement might be "Julia is currently developed by many 
researcher and used by many researcher but is absolutely not limited to 



Am Donnerstag, 1. Januar 2015 07:13:24 UTC+1 schrieb Eric Forgy:
> Hi everyone,
> Happy New Year!
> I briefly introduced myself and what I'm trying to do here 
> <!searchin/julia-users/Forgy/julia-users/umHiBwVLQ4g/P6DoT7qGrB8J>
> .
> I saw that Stefan gave a nice answer to the question "Is Julia ready for 
> production use? <>" 
> over on Quora. However, being ready for production is one thing and being 
> ready for use in an enterprise application for large conservative financial 
> institutions that undergo audits by regulators, etc., might be another. 
> A comment in this group was made yesterday,"Julia is from and for 
> researchers. 
> <>" I 
> notice there are quite a number of researchers developing Julia, but 
> naturally there is a much smaller team of core developers that seem to work 
> very well together. If this small team disintegrated for some reason, e.g. 
> find jobs, etc., I'm not sure Julia would have the escape velocity to 
> develop into a mature enough language for the kind of applications I have 
> in mind.
> I am bootstrapping a startup so I need to be careful how I allocate my 
> time and resources. I don't mind being a little cutting edge, but I would 
> have to consider the likelihood that Julia reaches at least a "first 
> version" 1.0.
> So can I ask for some honest advice? With the obvious caveats understood, 
> how far away is a "1.0"? How long can the core team continue its dedication 
> to the development of Julia? Will Julia remain "from and for researchers" 
> indefinitely? Can you envision Julia being used in large enterprise 
> financial applications?
> Thank you for any words of wisdom.
> Best regards,
> Eric

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