I suppose I should add that Julia doesn't really have a named tuple, the 
closest is an immutable constant type which is covered later in the manual.

On Monday, 5 January 2015 10:35:28 UTC, Sean Marshallsay wrote:
> Hi Ivo
> You're more than welcome to contribute to the documentation yourself 
> <https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#improving-documentation>
>  to 
> help clarify anything you found confusing.
> Regarding your second point, open() does not return a named type it 
> returns a tuple containing some kind of stream and some kind of process, 
> Pipe is some kind of stream and Process is some kind of process. Hopefully 
> the following code snippet will help clear things up.
> julia> x = open(`less`)
> (Pipe(closed, 0 bytes waiting),Process(`less`, ProcessExited(0)))
> julia> y = typeof(x)
> (Pipe,Process)
> julia> typeof(y)
> (DataType,DataType)
> help?> issubtype
> INFO: Loading help data...
> Base.issubtype(type1, type2)
>    True if and only if all values of "type1" are also of "type2".
>    Can also be written using the "<:" infix operator as "type1 <:
>    type2".
> julia> issubtype((Base.Pipe, Base.Process), (Base.AsyncStream, 
> Base.Process))
> true
> help?> super
> Base.super(T::DataType)
>    Return the supertype of DataType T
> julia> super(Base.Pipe)
> AsyncStream
> julia> super(Base.Process)
> Any
> So what we can see is that open() does return a (stream, process) tuple 
> but stream should actually be called AsyncStream and process should 
> actually be called Process.
> Hope this helps
> Sean
> On Monday, 5 January 2015 06:59:31 UTC, ivo welch wrote:
>> I am reading again about the type system, esp in 
>> http://julia.readthedocs.org/en/latest/manual/types/ .  I am a good 
>> guinea pig for a manual, because I don't know too much.
>> a tuple is like function arguments without the functions.  so,
>>     mytuple=(1,"ab",(3,4),"5")
>> is a tuple.  good.
>> what can I do with a typle?  the manual tells me right upfront that I can 
>> do a typeof(mytuple) function call to see its types.  good.
>> alas, then it goes into intricacies of how types "sort-of" inherit.  I 
>> need a few more basics first.
>> I would suggest adding to the docs right after the typeof function that, 
>> e.g., mytuple[2] shows the contents of the second parameter.  the julia cli 
>> prints the contents.  the examples would be a little clearer, perhaps, if 
>> one used a nested tuple, like (1,2,("foo",3),"bar").
>> before getting into type relations, I would also add how one creates a 
>> named tuple.  since open() does exactly this.  well, maybe I am wrong. 
>>  the docs say it returns a (stream,process), but typeof( open(`gzcat 
>> d.csv.gz`) tells me I have a (Pipe,Process).
>> I know how to extract the n-th component of the open() returned tuple 
>> (with the [] index operator), but I don't know how to get its name.  x.Pipe 
>> does not work for open().
>> well, my point is that it would be useful to add a few more examples and 
>> explanations here.
>> regards,
>> /iaw

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