Nvm, I forgot to export bar from the outer module; doing that, using works 
just as well as import, and you don't need to fully qualify (exported) 
names in the outer module, just as usual.

// T

On Tuesday, January 6, 2015 1:31:12 AM UTC+1, Tomas Lycken wrote:
> The following works for me:
> module RCall
> module R
>     import ..RCall
>     export foo
>     function foo()
>         RCall.bar()
>     end
> end # R
> export R
> function bar()
>     println("hello, handsome!")
> end
> end
> Now, I can do
> using RCall
> R.foo()
> "hello, handsome!"
> I didn’t manage to get it working with using instead of import in the 
> inner module, though, but that only affects your own usage of your own 
> code, so I think that’s a minor issue.
> // T
> On Monday, January 5, 2015 10:50:04 PM UTC+1, Douglas Bates wrote:
> The (unregistered) [RCall](https://github.com/JuliaStats/RCall.jl) 
>> package is an initial cut at the interface.  I am not happy with all the 
>> names that I chose and welcome suggestions of improvements.  For some 
>> reason I was unable to create an R module within the RCall module, as 
>> Stefan suggested.  Again, I welcome suggestions of how to accomplish this. 
>>  My particular difficulty is that if I create an R module within the RCall 
>> module I don't see the names from RCall.
>> On Saturday, January 3, 2015 12:56:48 PM UTC-6, lgautier wrote:
>>> I agree.
>>> RCall does provide consistency, although at the possible slight cost of 
>>> boring conformity, and seems a better choice than RStats.
>>> On Saturday, January 3, 2015 8:31:42 AM UTC-5, Viral Shah wrote:
>>>> I prefer Rcall.jl, for consistency with ccall, PyCall, JavaCall, etc. 
>>>> Also, once in JuliaStats, it will probably also be well advertised and 
>>>> documented - so finding it should not be a challenge, IMO.
>>>> -viral
>>>> On Saturday, January 3, 2015 10:16:51 AM UTC+5:30, Ismael VC wrote:
>>>>> +1 for RStats.jl, I also think it's more search-friendly but not only 
>>>>> for people coming from R.
>>>>> On Fri, Jan 2, 2015 at 9:50 PM, Gray Calhoun <gcal...@iastate.edu> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> That sounds great! Rcall.jl or RCall.jl are fine names; RStats.jl may 
>>>>>> be slightly more search-friendly for people coming from R, since they 
>>>>>> may 
>>>>>> not know about PyCall.
>>>>>> On Friday, January 2, 2015 1:59:04 PM UTC-6, Douglas Bates wrote:
>>>>>>> For many statistics-oriented Julia users there is a great advantage 
>>>>>>> in being able to piggy-back on R development and to use at least the 
>>>>>>> data 
>>>>>>> sets from R packages.  Hence the RDatasets package and the read_rda 
>>>>>>> function in the DataFrames package for reading saved R data.
>>>>>>> Over the last couple of days I have been experimenting with running 
>>>>>>> an embedded R within Julia and calling R functions from Julia. This is 
>>>>>>> similar in scope to the Rif package except that this code is written in 
>>>>>>> Julia and not as a set of wrapper functions written in C. The R API is 
>>>>>>> a C 
>>>>>>> API and, in some ways, very simple. Everything in R is represented as a 
>>>>>>> "symbolic expression" or SEXPREC and passed around as pointers to such 
>>>>>>> expressions (called an SEXP type).  Most functions take one or more 
>>>>>>> SEXP 
>>>>>>> values as arguments and return an SEXP.
>>>>>>> I have avoided reading the code for Rif for two reasons:
>>>>>>>  1. It is GPL3 licensed
>>>>>>>  2. I already know a fair bit of the R API and where to find API 
>>>>>>> function signatures.
>>>>>>> Here's a simple example
>>>>>>> julia> initR()
>>>>>>> 1
>>>>>>> julia> globalEnv = unsafe_load(cglobal((:R_GlobalEnv,libR),SEXP),1)
>>>>>>> Ptr{Void} @0x0000000008c1c388
>>>>>>> julia> formaldehyde = tryEval(install(:Formaldehyde))
>>>>>>> Ptr{Void} @0x0000000008fd1d18
>>>>>>> julia> inherits(formaldehyde,"data.frame")
>>>>>>> true
>>>>>>> julia> printValue(formaldehyde)
>>>>>>>   carb optden
>>>>>>> 1  0.1  0.086
>>>>>>> 2  0.3  0.269
>>>>>>> 3  0.5  0.446
>>>>>>> 4  0.6  0.538
>>>>>>> 5  0.7  0.626
>>>>>>> 6  0.9  0.782
>>>>>>> julia> length(formaldehyde)
>>>>>>> 2
>>>>>>> julia> names(formaldehyde)
>>>>>>> 2-element Array{ASCIIString,1}:
>>>>>>>  "carb"  
>>>>>>>  "optden"
>>>>>>> julia> form1 = ccall((:VECTOR_ELT,libR),SEXP,
>>>>>>> (SEXP,Cint),formaldehyde,0)
>>>>>>> Ptr{Void} @0x000000000a5baf58
>>>>>>> julia> ccall((:TYPEOF,libR),Cint,(SEXP,),form1)
>>>>>>> 14
>>>>>>> julia> carb = copy(pointer_to_array(ccall((:
>>>>>>> REAL,libR),Ptr{Cdouble},(SEXP,),form1),length(form1)))
>>>>>>> 6-element Array{Float64,1}:
>>>>>>>  0.1
>>>>>>>  0.3
>>>>>>>  0.5
>>>>>>>  0.6
>>>>>>>  0.7
>>>>>>>  0.9
>>>>>>> julia> form2 = ccall((:VECTOR_ELT,libR),SEXP,
>>>>>>> (SEXP,Cint),formaldehyde,1)
>>>>>>> Ptr{Void} @0x000000000a5baef0
>>>>>>> julia> ccall((:TYPEOF,libR),Cint,(SEXP,),form2)
>>>>>>> 14
>>>>>>> julia> optden = copy(pointer_to_array(ccall((:
>>>>>>> REAL,libR),Ptr{Cdouble},(SEXP,),form2),length(form2)))
>>>>>>> 6-element Array{Float64,1}:
>>>>>>>  0.086
>>>>>>>  0.269
>>>>>>>  0.446
>>>>>>>  0.538
>>>>>>>  0.626
>>>>>>>  0.782
>>>>>>> A call to printValue uses the R printing mechanism.
>>>>>>> Questions:
>>>>>>>  - What would be a good name for such a package?  In the spirit of 
>>>>>>> PyCall it could be RCall or Rcall perhaps.
>>>>>>>  - Right now I am defining several functions that emulate the names 
>>>>>>> of functions in R itself ir in the R API.  What is a good balance?  
>>>>>>> Obviously it would not be a good idea to bring in all the names in the 
>>>>>>> R 
>>>>>>> base namespace.  On the other hand, those who know names like 
>>>>>>> "inherits" 
>>>>>>> and what it means in R will find it convenient to have such names in 
>>>>>>> such a 
>>>>>>> package.
>>>>>>> - Should I move the discussion the the julia-stats list?
>>>>>  ​

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