> I'd be interested in getting a Julia engine in Atom, but I would not be so 
> interested in Julia for visualization when, unless I'm mistaken, at that 
> point you can use d3 directly. That would be cool if true. Is it? Can we 
> get the Julia.eval to return a javascript array? Getting Julia and 
> javascript working side by side in the same console would be pretty awesome.
Hi Eric,

I haven't done much with D3 myself, but I work with a number that do, I'll 
ask what of any limitations there are.  If all else fails, there's always 
https://www.npmjs.com/package/d3 so long the javascript engine can be fed.

Now as for JavaScript arrays; yea, that's what Julia arrays and tuples are 
mapped to.  There are some subtleties, that are documented here 
<http://node-julia.readme.io/v0.2.3/docs/datatype-mapping>.  For arrays of 
primitive "unboxed" types, I'm planning in the next version on changing the 
datatype mapping to using JavaScript typed arrays as they are faster by at 
least an order of magnitude.  The syntax and use would be essentially the 
same though.

Yea, pretty awesome!

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