The Juno forum isn't dead but is is unfortunately a bit slow, which
basically comes down to the fact that there are far fewer people who know a
lot about its internals (and most of them have other commitments, at least
for the very near future). I try to respond to everything within a few
days, or at least once a week - I've probably left it a bit longer than I
should recently but I'm looking over the backlog now.

On 11 February 2015 at 15:32, Michael Hatherly <>

> It’s not just Juno — I just haven’t gotten around to implementing output
> for anything but console yet. I won’t have a chance to add this for the
> next few weeks though, so here’s the issue
> <> in case you’ve
> got any ideas you’d like to discuss.
> — Mike
> ​
> On Wednesday, 11 February 2015 18:08:24 UTC+2, Christoph Ortner wrote:
>> [The Juno mailing list seems dead? Hence I am re-posting my question
>> here; apologies for posting twice.]
>> Juno doesn't seem to recognise doc strings, or am I getting something
>> wrong? Here is a short piece of code:
>> using Docile, Lexicon
>> @doc doc"Some doc with `markdown`."->function blah()
>>     println("bleh")
>> end
>> If I past this into a REPL, then type ?blah, then I get the correct
>> doc-string displayed. If I type blah into Juno and hit CTRL-D, then I
>> just get blah (generic function with 1 method)
>> On playing around with this, I noticed that even in the REPL help(blah) will
>> display blah (generic function with 1 method), while ?blah will display
>> the correct doc-string.
>> Am I doing something wrong again or is this not expected to work (yet)?
>> Thanks,
>> Christoph

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