I've thought about it a bit, and I wonder if this is a better solution.... 
instead of expecting nodes of the tree structure to be able to work with 
many different possible types, rather using dictionaries that pair a set of 
nodes with one type of data are better:

type TreeAnnotations{T}
 dict::Dict{PhyNode, T}

So if you have a load of DNA data, you could annotate the tree by having 
the dict associate PhyNodes with Ts - in this case DNA sequence types.
Then if you had some other data like comments, you'd make another such 
dictionary, where T would be String, and so on.


On Tuesday, February 24, 2015 at 1:30:57 AM UTC, Ben Ward wrote:
> Hi,
> In Julia, if you are not sure of an arguments type beforehand, you can use 
> 'Any', or if you know it comes under an abstract type, you can use that.
> I've been working on a type for BioJulia which allows for representation 
> of a node of a phylogenetic tree that will allow annotation with biological 
> data in the form of other types from the packages from BioJulia:
> @doc """
> PhyExtension allows defining arbitrary metadata to annotate nodes.
> This allows the PhyNode type to support any phylogenetic tree format 
> that includes annotations (e.g. PhyloXML, NeXML), and allows programmatic 
> extension of nodes with annotations.
> """ ->
> type PhyExtension{T}
>   value::T
> end
> @doc """
> PhyNode represents a node in a phylogenetic tree.
> A node can have:
> - `name`
> - `branchlength`
> - one or more `extensions`
> - a reference to its `parent` PhyNode
> - reference to one or more `children`
> """ ->
> type PhyNode
>   name::String
>   branchlength::Float64
>   confidence::Float64
>   extensions::Vector{PhyExtension}
>   children::Vector{PhyNode}
>   parent::PhyNode
>  # Inner constructor goes here.
> As you can see - PhyExtension is parametric so can be constructed to 
> contain any type.
> I'm wondering, though is this the best that can be done, can I handle the 
> potential to hold any number of types with unknown variables any better - 
> if so, how?
> Is specifying a Vector of PhyExtension, where a PhyExtenision is a type 
> that contains any other type really giving that much information to the 
> Julia system to work on efficiently? 
> My understanding is that PhyExtension is parametric so a version is 
> effectively defined for every possible {T} (including user defined 
> composite types they might come up with). But then I imagine that's not 
> much information when creating the Vector{PhyExtension} as an element could 
> be any of the many possible PhyExtensions - the compiler has to allow for 
> an array that can store any PhyExtension? Or is it that the array contains 
> references to PhyExtensions so actually the array is simple?
> Thanks,
> Ben.

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